Writing Challenge Results / for May 12 & 19 & 26

 The April Writing Challenge of 2019 -- which led to this year's daily podcast challenge in April -- was in reaction to my desperate need to write a fantasy as well as develop more titles for this pen name.

To Wield the Wind was born, based on an escapist idea from a title that gave me so much trouble the summer before (for another pen name). I sketched out the bones of a story then set it aside when the other manuscript finally took off.

The ideas that developed during that writing challenge continued to evolve, resulting in To Charm the

 and To Curse the Wyre, published this year in late January and early March ... and bundled together in early April as Spells of Air.

Now we have a continued celebration of the writing challenge: the audio files for the 1st chapters of each of those novellas.

May 12

To Wield the Wind

This episode of The Write Focus presents an excerpt of the result of April's Writing Challenge, the first chapter of To Wield the Wind, a fantasy novella by Remi Black.

Sprites and gobbers, rock trolls and an ice huldra, a sorceress and shape-shifting wyre, all troubles for Orielle, a wizard on a mission into the Wilding.

The next two Wednesdays in May will present the sequels that evolved from To Wield the Wind. Without the writing challenge, no trilogy would exist.

In addition, we have a check-in for the current work in progress, as well as in starting a new WIP.


May 19

To Charm the Wind

Also contains a comment about the importance of Cliff-Hangers when writing a series.


May 26

To Curse the Wyre

Also contains a comment about the importance of Avoiding Repetition of Obstacles when writing a series.


Thanks for listening to The Write Focus!

For links for these books, visit www.remiblack.blogspot.com . 

Write to us at winkbooks@aol.com.

If you find value in this podcast, please let us know, either with a contact or a review.

Listen on your favorite podcast site:

My favorite is Podbean. https://eden5695.podbean.com/

Then we have Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-write-focus/id1546738740%20

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4fMwknmfJhkJxQvaaLQ3Gm?si=0GFku2PbShWXiDhRp7JaDQ

and YouTube, which is a direct link >  https://youtu.be/u2w8PkjTDyc 

Writing Challenge :: Post Draft Update

 The Write Focus has won the Writing Challenge. For Write a Book in a Month, we've done it. We needed a few additional days to prep for publication, but it's done now!

Topics in this episode include ~

Final check-in :: How did the Challenge Go?


* What Is it?
* What Do we Do in Proof-Plus?
(3 Steps)

Blurb / Market Copy

* 3 Rules for Tight Writing
* 4 paragraphs
* Hit the Length.

Plans for Promotions

* After Publishing / After the Trilogy
* Passive vs. Active Promotions
* Updating Websites and Social Media Pages
* Start the Next Work

What’s Next?

* May ~ opening chapters in the trilogy that developed from the writing Challenge

* All Summer ~ Time to explore writing Craft

Listen on the following sites. Bookmark your favorite to come back daily.

Podbean https://eden5695.podbean.com/

Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-write-focus/id1546738740%20

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4fMwknmfJhkJxQvaaLQ3Gm?si=0GFku2PbShWXiDhRp7JaDQ

YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/WVw5FZqw8Co

Write a Book in a Month is copyright 2020.

Topics for the Entire Month

April 1 :: No Fooling

April 2 :: Change of Plans

April 3 :: Stick with the Plan

April 4 :: Nix Distractions

April 5 :: Watch for Warnings

April 6 :: Life Rolls

April 7 :: Win-Lose-Wind

April 8 :: Critical vs. Creative

April 9 :: Eat the Frog First

April 10 :: The Tax Man Cometh


April 11 :: Cocoons

April 12 :: Six Words Short

April 13 :: Wonders Never Cease

April 14 :: One Project, Two Project

April 15 :: Promotions

April 16 :: Covers

April 17 :: Frittery Jittery

April 18 :: Flipping Out

April 19 :: Input / Output

April 20 :: Looking Ahead


April 21 :: Short Post

April 22 :: Biz Monday

April 23 :: Master Book

April 24 :: Expect the Unexpected

April 25 :: Carpe Diem as Writers

April 26 :: Nose to the Grindstone

April 27 :: Writers’ Groups

April 28 :: First Celebration

April 29 :: Writers Conferences

April 30 :: An End that’s Not an End and Lessons List

 May 5th :: Aprés-Draft Update


Amazon links are given because it's easy, and for no other reason.

Purchase Write a Book in a Month at Amazon here.  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0848MWXGD

Also mentioned in the first 10 episodes (March 31 to April 5) ~

Patty Jansen's Self Publishing Unboxed Amazon.com: Self-publishing Unboxed (The Three--year, No-bestseller Plan For Making a Sustainable Living From Your Fiction Book 1) eBook: Jansen, Patty: Kindle Store

Purchase Think/Pro at Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Think-like-Pro-Advent-Writers/dp/1983248266/

The Think/Pro planner for writers can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/Think-Pro-Planner-M-Lee/dp/1983248673/


Dwight V. Swain's Techniques of the Selling Writer https://www.amazon.com/Techniques-Selling-Writer-Dwight-Swain/dp/0806111917/  

Anne Morrow Lindbergh Gifts from the Sea https://www.amazon.com/Gift-50th-Anniversary-Anne-Morrow-Lindbergh/dp/0679732411/

Marie Kondo The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up https://www.amazon.com/Life-Changing-Magic-Tidying-Decluttering-Organizing/dp/B00RC3ZGN4/ 

The Write Focus ~ Who / What / How / Why

6:09 Writers on Writing / Kathleen Kalb

The mystery writer and seasoned audio broadcast pro Kathleen Kalb joins TWF for this episode.  We have a wide-ranging conversation, touching...

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