All July / Discovering Your Novel / Summer Series Continues

July  ~ Envisioning

All through June, our Focus has been the foundations to our novels. We've been working on the individual building blocks: character and conflict development, the Plot 7 over 2 weeks, and the essential basic documents that help us with this novel and future novels.

Now comes July.

Time to Envision the whole story we want to tell. We need true clarity in our crystal ball. What do we envision? (Click the link to go straight to the episode, or pick your favorite podcast site to listen.)

7/7 ~ Envision the Whole Plot >> the whole story, not the 7 main scenes. Plot Category with elements; exercises for writing improvement

7/14 ~  Envision the World >> Basic World, Stomping Grounds, Backstory, World Building nuts and bolts 

7/21 ~ Envision the World pt 2 >> World Building 101 :: Reasons / How-To / Basic Considerations / Society and Social Structures / Nature, inc. topography / Transportation / and a bit on magic systems.

7/28 ~ Envision Secondaries >> BFFs or not, foils and obstacles,  minions of evil

Coming Next ~ Envision other Characters and Your Writing >> additional side characters, walk-ons and cameos; launch and novel openings, writers' block and more.

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Resource List

Discovering Your Novel, everything you need to know to write your first novel or to rescue those story ideas that never turned into completed manuscript. Designed to write your novel in a year and set up in a weekly format, with Charts!

The Write Focus ~ Who / What / How / Why

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