In August / Summer Series / Discovering Your Novel

 August bridges from one stage of Discovering Your Novel to another and another.

In June, our Focus was the foundations to our novels. We've worked on the building blocks: primary characters and conflict development, the Plot 7 over 2 weeks, and the essential basic documents that help us with this novel and future novels.

In July, we began the Envisioning Stages. 1st, we looked at the Whole Plot then our Whole World in the Novel. On July 28 we ventured into our Secondary Characters.

Now we're at August and nearly the end of Summer. 

August will go much farther into the novel.

1st ~  Envisioning 

(links go to the specific Podbean episode)

August 4 / Envisioning E :: Tertiary Characters.

10 Minions of Evil. The Love Interest. Trickster Characters. Walk-ons and Cameos.

August 11 / Envisioning F :: the Hardest Part of the Novel

No, we will not HINT. We're working on the hardest parts of the novel to figure out. We engage our critical brain but still demand help from the creative muse. When we're finished, though, we will have a complete manuscript that we love and are desperate to publish. Not yet, though, we have more to do.

2nd ~ Analysis

August 18 / Analysis A :: Pacing

August 25 / Analysis B :: Your Writing Self

Coming Next ~ After we skate along the Space / Time Continuum and Deal with the Double D's, we enter the Harvest stage of Revision and Enhancement before we tackle proofreading and editing. Then it's publishing and more!

Remember, no link will work until the date for the link has passed.

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Resource List

Discovering Your Novel, everything you need to know to write your first novel or to rescue those story ideas that never turned into completed manuscript. Designed to write your novel in a year and set up in a weekly format, with Charts! 

    We've been pushing through our summer series. Sometimes--especially with demanding jobs--we have to work much more slowly. Discovering Your Novel takes 52 weeks, working through the whole year at a non-demanding pace. This Summer Series was definitely a demanding pace.

    If you have a manuscript that you don't know where it went wrong--but you definitely know it has, use this guidebook and start with each week's work to analysis problems and develop solutions. When you work through the Foundations / Envisioning / Pacing / Harvest stages, you can create a better manuscript that you won't fear to publish!

    Here's a Post on Writers Ink NonFiction that contains all the charts in DiscNovel, including the Analysis template and the Archetypal Story Pattern (ASP) chart as pdfs :: FREE! Discovering Your Novel ~ All Charts - Writers Ink Nonfiction 

Dean Wesley Smith Writing into the Dark

  • his blog
  • his speech  
  • his course

  Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs explanation on Simply Psychology.

  Christopher Vogler's The Writer's Journey explained on Wikipedia

 Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Face also on Wiki

James Scott Bell Superstructure on his website

The Write Focus ~ Who / What / How / Why

6:07 / Writers on Writing / donalee Moulton

  In cold Halifax, we meet writer donalee Moulton, who talks all aspects of technology.  It’s everything tech: from the tech that we take fo...

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