Ornaments ~ Last episode of Discovering Characters


In this episode, we finish the series Discovering Characters.

Tomorrow starts June, and The Write Focus will have a June Writing Challenge. We hope to write the equivalent of 1,000 words per day, giving us 30,000 words by the end of the month. That’s a great start on a novel or nearly a complete novella, or a handful of short stories. 1,000 sounds not a lot, but summer is filled with distractions and disruptions. Join us for the June Writing Challenge, 1,000 wpd. We’ll share our progress starting on June 7, then June 14 and 21 and 28, with a final check-in on July 5.

As for this episode, last in Discovering Characters, we’re going through what I call Ornaments to the story. These are significant lists. Characters. Items. Events.

Ornaments add richness of detail to our plot, just as ornaments add richness of celebration to a Christmas tree.


    • 0:37 Intro
    • 2:15 Ornaments
    • 3:33 Honorable and Dishonorable
    • 5:15 Professions and Others
    • 7:55 Stereotypes than can Enrich
    • 10:25 Archetypal Situations and Shapes
    • 14:18 Closing

Total Time: 14:18

Discovering Characters  can be purchased at these links:



Discovering Your Writing, a bundle of four writing craft books, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08691892S

View the Trailer: https://youtu.be/hTVQn92kNBk

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Characters. We’re bookcasting!

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/winkbooksr

·        You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Just up is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook.

·        Templates from the Discovering Characters series are also there.

For more links and resources, visit www.thewritefocus.blogspot.com  .

Write to us at winkbooks@aol.com.

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Listen on your favorite podcast site: from Apple to YouTube, Spotify and Podbean (my favs), Google Play, Amazon Music and Audible, Samsung and Player FM, Deezer and Podcaster, the rivals iHeart and Tune-in, and too many to list.

Transitions / Forced Changes / Disc. Characters

 We have two more episodes in the Discovering Characters series. Today’s episode is the 3rd of the Sliding Scales, the first being Progressions and the 2nd Transgressions. This 3rd Sliding Scale is Transitions.

Circumstances can cause growth and change even when our hearts and minds may have intended to avoid any transformation.

We often are pushed into our transitions, in ways that we never anticipated, and so it is for our characters. People may linger at a plateau for years. Eventually, however, they will tip into the next stage. Transitions are never chosen; they come from outside forces that propel our changes.


  • 0:39 Intro
  • 1:52 Transitions
  • 2:42 Stages of Grief
  • 5:00 Example
  • 5:37 Psychological Stages to Maturity
  • 14:14 Example
  • 20:30 Closing

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Characters. We’re bookcasting!

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/winkbooksr

  • You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Just up is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook.
  • Templates from the Discovering Characters series are also there.

For more links and resources, visit www.thewritefocus.blogspot.com  .

Write to us at winkbooks@aol.com.

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Discovering Characters  can be purchased at these links:



Discovering Your Writing, a bundle of four writing craft books, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08691892S

View the Trailer: https://youtu.be/hTVQn92kNBk

Transgressions / Evil Motivations / Disc. Characters

 We’ve almost finished our Discovering Characters series. In the last episode, we presented how characters can be developed to reveal their growth or decline or their alterations.

In this episode, we present the dark side of characters: the Transgressions.

Only a couple of episodes remain in this series then we’re off on a Summer Challenge. For now, on with the episode.


  • 0:39 Intro for Transgressions
  • 1:10 Aristotle’s Tragic Hero (5 elements)
  • 6:25 Examples: Macbeth, The Bookshop, Ophelia
  • 12:30 Sevens
  • 15:37 Writer / Protagonist / Antagonist
  • 19:33 Closing

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Characters. We’re bookcasting!

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/winkbooksr

  • You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Just up is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook.
  • Templates from the Discovering Characters series are also there.

For more links and resources, visit www.thewritefocus.blogspot.com  .

Write to us at winkbooks@aol.com.

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Discovering Characters  can be purchased at these links:



Discovering Your Writing, a bundle of four writing craft books, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08691892S

View the Trailer: https://youtu.be/hTVQn92kNBk

Progressions / Sliding Scales of Change / Disc. Characters

 From the beginning of this Discovering Characters series, we’ve built our primaries from the ground up with templates and interviews We’ve looked at our individual primaries, the protagonists and antagonists, as well as our secondary characters and their relationships with our primaries.

The best characters are not static but change, whether they grow or decline. That’s today’s focus: Progressions.


  • 0:39 Intro
  • 1:14 Sliding Scales
  • 1:39 Progressions
  • 1:47 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (with a bit on PTSD)
  • 8:58 Examples: 2 by Jane Austen & 1 by Jack London
  • 12:07 Closing

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Characters. We’re bookcasting!

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/winkbooksr

  • You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Just up is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook.
  • Templates from the Discovering Characters series are also there.

For more links and resources, visit www.thewritefocus.blogspot.com  .

Write to us at winkbooks@aol.com.

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Discovering Characters  can be purchased at these links:



Discovering Your Writing, a bundle of four writing craft books, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08691892S

View the Trailer: https://youtu.be/hTVQn92kNBk

Character Lessons from Myths / Discovering Characters

 We’ve reached the last major section of Discovering Characters, which is Décor or Special Touches for Characters and the Sliding Scales.

We begin with Lessons from Myths, primarily Greek mythology, that huge melting pot of myths. Here in modern times we can barely see the distinctions in cultures that compose the myths. Time has blurred those distinctions for us, and now we look back and think one culture when it is many. The myth of Medea alone offers the collision of four different cultures.

This episode takes an extended look at something I developed after years of teaching mythology. It combines the traits of the Epic Hero with archetypes into what I called the Greek Heroic Pattern. We’ll look at the best example of the GHP from classical antiquity then offer 7 others that more from ancient times to our modern ones.

The addition of the Greek Heroic Pattern and 7 protagonists through time will have this episode running longer than usual (TOTAL RUN TIME = 34:39)


  • 0:39 Introduction
  • 1:52 Special Touches for Characters / Lessons from Myths
  • 4:47 Sacrifices that Protagonists have to make
  • 6:10 Deities & Fighting against Deities
  • 7:53 Heroes of Greek Myth
  • 11:05 Intro to the Greek Heroic Pattern ~ 9 areas
  • 15:13 Perseus in the GHP (Hollywood ruins a good protagonist)
  • 19:52 7 Protagonists = Orpheus, Psyche, Arthur, “Invictus” persona, Darcy, Aragorn, and Iron Man
  • 32:50 Closing

 Discovering Characters  can be purchased at these links:

Discovering Your Writing, a bundle of four writing craft books, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08691892S

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Characters. We’re bookcasting!

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/winkbooksr

·        You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Just up is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook.

·        Templates from the Discovering Characters series are also there.

For more links and resources, visit www.thewritefocus.blogspot.com  .

Write to us at winkbooks@aol.com.

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

The Write Focus ~ Who / What / How / Why

6:07 / Writers on Writing / donalee Moulton

  In cold Halifax, we meet writer donalee Moulton, who talks all aspects of technology.  It’s everything tech: from the tech that we take fo...

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