Plot 7, part B / Discovering Plot / Series End


In the last episode, we began our look at a process method I call Plot 7. This week we finish the Plot 7 and our series on Discovering Plot. Coming up for February are four episodes on Overcoming Writer’s Block.

The Plot 7 is wonderful for sparking ideas for a new novel or novella. It’s too deep for a short story.

In the Plot 7 are the 7 most important scenes for the novel. We covered the Beginning, the Very End, and the Roughest Moment / the Ordeal. This episode covers the last 4 … and these are the hardest four.

By the time writers finish these 7 scenes, we have a great start on the story.

The between-scenes and sequels will remain for us to write—but we’ll know our direction and the whole process of drafting the novel will flow easily.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:40 Introduction
  • 03:25 Plot 4
  • 04:54 Plot 5
  • 07:57 Plot 6
  • 10:33 Plot 7
  • 12:35 Bringing It Together
  • 14:50 Last Words / Closing

Total Run Time = 16:32



Direct Link to the Audio

Direct Link to the Video Playlist

Link to Lester Dent’s Plot Formula for Short Stories

Episode 1 / Short Narratives / Mixed Miscellany


Links to Think like a Pro, source for the Plot 7, other info added:



Links to the Ebook Discovering Plot

Link to a paperback 8 x 10 bundle for plot / characters / branding / sentence craft, called Discovering Your Writing



Plot 7, part A / Discovering Plot series


We’re winding up the Discovering Plot series with the Plot 7, a quick way to launch into story and to reach that story’s heart … and discover if it will fly—or crash like my feeble attempts at paper airplanes.

Plot 7 comes from the writer’s guidebook Think like a Pro, by M.A. Lee, designed to turn a hobby writer into a pro writer with the necessary mindset changes.

We’ll break the Plot 7 into 2 episodes.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:40 Introduction
  • 01:17 Plot 7 Raison d’Etre
  • 04:18 Plot 1
  • 05:40 Plot 2
  • 06:50 Plot 3
  • 11:58 Last Words / Closing



Links to Think like a Pro



Links to the Ebook Discovering Plot

Link to a paperback 8 x 10 bundle for plot / characters / branding / sentence craft, called Discovering Your Writing



Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Your Plot, from host M.A. Lee’s guidebook of the same name.

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at

  • You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Available is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook and templates from the Discovering Characters
  • Available Now: worksheet templates and a video trailer script for Discovering Your Author Brand.

For more links and resources, visit  .

Write to us at

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Listen on your favorite podcast site: from Apple to YouTube, Spotify and Podbean (my favs), Google Play, Amazon Music and Audible, Samsung and Player FM, Deezer and Podcaster, the rivals iHeart and Tune-in, and too many to list.

Here are the easiest. Make us a favorite, and follow along easy-peasy, once a week, while you fix a quick dinner, drive a short commute, or take a brisk walk.

My favorite podcast is Podbean.

YouTube direct link to the Current Playlist







IHeart Radio   


An Asian Plotting Method / Discovering Plot


Welcome to our 200th episode of The Write Focus.

Yippee! We made it farther than I ever anticipated, 200 episodes and into Season 5, and we still have more episodes ahead. AND it’s all thanks to our listeners, who motivate us to keep offering more and more.

Over our 200 episodes, we’ve covered craft with plot and characters, process with sentence craft, productivity with challenges, and tools for writers.

This episode is an update to an old post, a Blast from the Past, with new insights to make it up-to-date. For those of us raised on western story-telling and conflict and characters, this method will seem an about-face. It works best for shorter tales—stories and novellas rather than novels and epics. As we analyze it, you’ll see the reason I say that.

The next two weeks will have another look back at a plotting method from the early days of The Write Focus. The Plot 7 is not a plot structure. Instead, it’s a method for writers to develop quickly the skeleton of a novel or novella. Let’s call it a Process. After a season on craft, it’s time we looked at process. Oh, and it’s a strong way to supercharge your productivity after a season of disruptions and distractions, totally suitable after the holiday season.

So, without more rattling on, let’s look at our Blast from the Past, Kishotenketsu.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:40 Introduction
  • 02:33 Kishotenketsu
  • 06:15 Example 1 from Sanyo Rai
  • 09:15 Example 2 from Nils Odlund
  • 12:50 Analysis
  • 16:30 Last Words / Closing

Total Run Time :: 18:15



Sanyo Rai story =

Nils Odlund story =

Links to the Ebook Discovering Plot

Link to a paperback 8 x 10 bundle for plot / characters / branding / sentence craft, called Discovering Your Writing


Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Your Plot, from host M.A. Lee’s guidebook of the same name.

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at

·        You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Available is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook and templates from the Discovering Characters series.

·        Available Now: worksheet templates and a video trailer script for Discovering Your Author Brand.

For more links and resources, visit  .

Write to us at

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Listen on your favorite podcast site: from Apple to YouTube, Spotify and Podbean (my favs), Google Play, Amazon Music and Audible, Samsung and Player FM, Deezer and Podcaster, the rivals iHeart and Tune-in, and too many to list.

Here are the easiest. Make us a favorite, and follow along easy-peasy, once a week, while you fix a quick dinner, drive a short commute, or take a brisk walk.

My favorite podcast is Podbean.

YouTube direct link to the Current Playlist







IHeart Radio   


Content copyright is 2020 to 2024, Writers Ink Books.

Stages 11 & 12 / Greatest Plot Structure


It’s the last official episode for Discovering Plot and the final 2 stages of the greatest plot structure for writers, the Archetypal Story Pattern.

While many of us have our favorite plot structure, all the ones that I’ve analyzed and taught cannot match the adaptability and flexibility of the ASP. Hopefully, with the variety of discussed plots, many writers will see the value of the ASP.

In this episode, we have Stages 11 and 12.

Stage 11 is the Resurrection of the Evil (and of our Protagonist). This is the culminating battle between the protagonist and the antagonist, and we writers have four tasks in this stage to give our readers a satisfactory ending. For readers, endings lead to the next story—which is our writing goal. Yes, even in romantic comedies or literary fiction, we have battles. We’re writers; think metaphorically!

Stage 12 is called Return with the Elixir. This is our triumphant protagonists drinking with the gods to celebrate victory.

We’ll have three more episodes before we call this Discovering Plot series complete, done and dusted. For now, it’s on with the episode.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:39 Introduction
  • 02:05 Stage 11: Dual Enemies of Evil and Self
  • 02:58 Three Examples with Three Lessons
  • 09:55 Four Points of the Resurrection
  • 16:35 Stage 12: Drinking with the Gods
  • 17:20 The Return / The Elixir
  • 21:52 Final Points
  • 22:50 Last Words / Closing

Total Run Time: 24:31



Links to the Ebook

Link to a paperback 8 x 10 bundle for plot / characters / branding / sentence craft, called Discovering Your Writing


As always, thanks for listening.

. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Your Plot, from host M.A. Lee’s guidebook of the same name.

Support the podcast with a cup of coffee at

·        You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Available is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook and templates from the Discovering Characters series.

·        Available Now: worksheet templates and a video trailer script for Discovering Your Author Brand.

For more links and resources, visit  .

Write to us at

If you find value in this podcast, please share with your writing friends or write a review. (We’re small beans. We don’t have the advertising budget of the big peeps. You can make a difference.)

Listen on your favorite podcast site: from Apple to YouTube, Spotify and Podbean (my favs), Google Play, Amazon Music and Audible, Samsung and Player FM, Deezer and Podcaster, the rivals iHeart and Tune-in, and too many to list.

Here are the easiest. Make us a favorite, and follow along easy-peasy, once a week, while you fix a quick dinner, drive a short commute, or take a brisk walk.

My favorite podcast is Podbean.

YouTube direct link to the Current Playlist







IHeart Radio   


Content copyright is 2020 to 2024, Writers Ink Books.

Stages 9 & 10 / Greatest Plot Structure


Welcome to the 5th season of The Write Focus, the podcast for writers of all types, newbies and veterans and everyone in-between. Our FOCUS is productivity, process, craft, and tools.

We are justifiably proud of achieving this 5th season. We started in 2020, that dreadful year, so good things do come from bad ones. Apart from our yearly hiatus in the hectic Decembers, we haven’t missed a weekly episode. This week, we officially open this season with Episode 198. How is that for meeting deadlines? OOO, OOO, OOO

We start our 5th season with the first of the last episodes on the greatest plot structure in the world, taken from our host M.A. Lee’s craft guide Discovering Plot.

In this episode, we delve into Stages 9 and 10 of the 12-Stage Archetypal Story Pattern.

Stage 9 is the protagonist’s Reward for surviving the trials and the dark ordeal. Our main characters still have a difficult journey ahead, yet Stage 9 gives a respite.

Then we descend to Stage 10, the Road Back, seemingly straightforward but still tricksy, still twisty, still dangerous.

This wave-like up-and-down pattern of events all through the Archetypal Story Pattern creates pacing and tension. The writers offers rewards to keep the readers from tumbling off the journey. The troubles continue to offer angst and suspense for reader engagement.

Don’t make the mistake of cheap thrills and unthinking, uncaring sacrifices now that you’ve brought the reader this far. Love has an emotional reward. Danger and death have consequences. Justice cannot be totally blind. Not for the reader. AND Not for us, the satisfied writer who wants to keep writing, not burn out and burn up our love of story-telling.


00:00 Welcome

00:39 Introduction

03:03 Stage 9 / Joy after Darkness

07:44 Ordeal vs. Reward

09:20 The Difficult Reward

11:53 Stage 10 / Driving to Destiny

13:04 Driving with the Old Desired Dear

19:28 How to Find the Right Road Back

25:20 Last Words / Closing

TOTAL TIME = 27:00


Examples from Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter series), Jane Austen’s Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice, 13th Warrior by Michael Crichton, The Crown, Castaway film with Tom Hanks, and Tolkein’s Return of the King.


Invocation of Blood, from 13th Warrior ::

Direct Link to the Audio

Direct Link to the Video Playlist


Links to the Ebook

Link to a paperback 8 x 10 bundle for plot / characters / branding / sentence craft, called Discovering Your Writing


The Write Focus ~ Who / What / How / Why

6:07 / Writers on Writing / donalee Moulton

  In cold Halifax, we meet writer donalee Moulton, who talks all aspects of technology.  It’s everything tech: from the tech that we take fo...

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