On Creativity / Enter the Writing Business

 Every discussion of the Writing Biz needs a focus on Creativity. What does creativity actually mean? How do we put it into practice? How do story visions change when creativity is applied?

Also ~

Writing can be a hell and a heaven. How do we know when the writing biz is worth it?


  • 00:40 Intro
  • 2:17 Growth Depends on Challenges
  • 3:20 Creativity = Unique Spins on Classics = Freshness
  • 6;40 Freshness Requires Thought / Planning
  • 7:25 Saggy Pantstering Defined
  • 9:48 Daily Writing / Avoiding the Lures  
  • 12:50 Zig & Zag with Projects
  • 17:12 Ever-Expanding Stories / Blown Deadlines
  • 21:43 Writing Hell
  • 25:25 The Writer’s 3-Part Mantra
  • 27:45 Writing Purgatory / Writing Heaven
  • 30:56 Closing

Direct link to the audio https://eden5695.podbean.com/e/346-on-creativity-enter-the-writing-business/?token=6c60e78e90bb073256819ba56da38ff9

Direct link to the video https://youtu.be/SOw1SybXHT8

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Enter the Writing Business. We’re bookcasting!

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