Writing Short Stories ~ Presentation

 Last May, The Write Focus had a four-part series explaining and showing how writers use the Plot Formula developed by Lester Dent.

Then, my local chapter Smoking Guns of Sisters in Crime asked for a presentation (in the fall). Events happened that prevented the presentation then (unexpected sickness on my part), and we postponed the presentation.

This past Saturday, April 22, the presentation finally occurred ...

... and wouldn't you know it? We had tech problems. So I reverted to whiteboard from a powerpoint presentation and managed to talk for over 1 1/2 hours.

Here's a link to find a pdf of the powerpoint presentation (no, it wasn't filmed, thank God!). The link takes you to my nonfiction website and contains not only a downloadable link to the pdf but also a link to the first episode of the four-part Writing Short Stories series on Podbean.

So, if interested, off you go: click! 

It's necessary to go to the Word Press site because I could not get the pdf to load onto this stripped-down blogger site. I'm beginning to think that Blogger is not great so lots of things. Easy to use. Easy to create. Limited on what it can do. Oh well. If someone knows another way, I do like to learn.

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