Stages 5 & 6 / Greatest Plot Structure


For many writers, Openings and Closings aren’t the problem with story. We all have problems with the Messy Middle—or the Saggy Middle—or that long slog between fantastic Opening and stupendous Ending.

It’s the Middle that causes the most groans.

In the Archetypal Story Pattern, the Greatest Plot Structure in the world—that troublesome Middle is Stages 4 to 8. It’s not Stage 4 that creates the problems. It’s not Stage 8 or Stage 7.

Nope, what causes the most angst for writers is our focus in this episode—Stages 5 and 6.

Follow along for clues that will change your approach to Stages 5 and 6 and hopefully keep them from turning into the Messy Middle Mire that causes angst for so many writers.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:40 Introduction
  • 01:47 Stage 5
  • 03:30 Thresholds
  • 04:47 Four New Things in the Story
  • 07:05 Analysis through Example
  • 09:16 Crossing the First Threshold
  • 10:43 Stage 6
  • 12:50 Purpose-Filled Examinations
  • 15:50 Thresholds are Tests (and are Try/Fail Sequences)
  • 16:47 How Many Tests?
  • 19:50 Last Words / Closing

Total Run Time:: 21:33


Examples from Patricia Briggs’ The Hob’s Bargain, Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice


Links to the Ebook

Links to a paperback 8 x 10 bundle for plot / characters / branding / sentence craft, called Discovering Your Writing



Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is Discovering Your Plot, from host M.A. Lee’s guidebook of the same name.

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  • You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Available is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook and templates from the Discovering Characters
  • Available Now: worksheet templates and a video trailer script for Discovering Your Author Brand.

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