Think like a Pro / Aristotle Rocks Story / 4 A

 What can a man over 2400 years old tell us about story?

More than most people think.

Much More than People Think

 ... since every new

is merely a re-thinking

of the concepts that he worked on over 2,000 years ago.

For a character-driven plot structure and essential characters, Aristotle has the rocks for our foundation to story. This episode (running almost 20 minutes) looks at Aristotle's 5 essentials for plot. 

  • Mimesis
  • Peripeteia
  • Hamartia, with a side excursion on Hubris
  • Catastrophe
  • Catharsis, with Horace's "dulce et utile" as a clear explanation

The next episode will examine the essentials for character.

Listen on Podbean at this link.

Here is the YouTube link.

Available also on Apple Podcasts here.

Or on Spotify, the podcast series is here.

Purchase Think like a Pro at Amazon here:

The Think/Pro planner for writers can be purchased here:

To read Old Geeky Greeks which devotes quite a lot to Aristotle -- and Plato and the Greek Heroic Pattern, the Seneca Blood Tragedy, and more and more and more, visit here.

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