Jane Sloven Interview ~ Serendipity is Her Friend

 Serendipity is the best word to describe Jane Sloven’s writing.

Listen to an audio of the podcast.
View the video on YouTube.


  • 0:08 Jane’s journey into writing; her focus on problem-solving, relationships, female protagonists, psychotherapists, trauma, and managed care
  • 6:00 Real life informing the writing
  • 7:00 Blurb for Termination of Benefits
  • 8:50 Jane’s original writing process. (complete pantstering)
  • 11:00 Her forward path: mentors (“All writing is revision”), critique groups, courses and workshops
  • 16:00 Compassionate Journey: Honoring Our Mothers’ Stories, essays with other writers
  • 17:44 Publishing with the attendant queries, summaries, and synopses; honesty with agents; editing; and small presses
  • 25:52 Working on the sequel Fragment of Doubt and a prequel

  • 29:22 Changing her writing procedure, bingeing on writing
  • 31:30 Revising to add twists and braiding in other plot threads
  • 33:20 Writing should be pleasurable
  • 35:45 up to the wire on finding critique groups
  • 38:56 Closing


Jane Sloven started her career doing law reform work, working with juvenile offenders in a program that diverted them from court to counseling, tutoring, and job training. Then she went to law school and worked with a small feminist firm in Boston before moving to Maine to take a position developing services for victims of juvenile crime in a restitution program.
After working in a traditional law practice, she switched careers to social work, focusing on counseling. She says, “I let go of law and never looked back—other than to do training in mediation and do some volunteer mediation. I had a private psychotherapy practice for about 25 years.”

She wrote her first mystery, Termination of Benefits, (published in 2018) to subversively teach about trauma and recovery. Jane also wanted to explore how people come to terms with clairvoyance, which is one of her protagonist’s struggles. She placed her novel in the Portland, Maine, area.

Termination of Benefits was Foreward Reviews Indies Finalist for Suspense and Thrillers, a 2019 Next Generation Indie Award Finalist for suspense, and the Grand Prize Winner of the Maine Romance Writers 2019 Peoples Choice Strut Your Stuff Award.





More from Jane

An interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83nFFo-onXo

Compassionate Journey: Honoring Our Mothers’ Stories:







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