Ileana Munoz Renfroe Interview ~ Magic from the Pandemic

 A paranormal “fixer” and her spirit guide named Raul along with a former spy with a secret cypher at a bookshop: these are just three of the intriguing characters from separate series by Ileana Muñoz Renfroe.

Ileana began writing during pandemic lockdown; she doesn’t let her newbie status slow her down.


  • 0:40 Ileana’s cozies and children’s books, esp. Rosa the Cuban psychic and Raul in A Fashionable Bait
  • 4:02 Writing multiple story lines simultaneously, heading for a rapid release
  • 6:00 Puzzling Pantster with an outline that is tossed
  • 6:40 Plotter software: scenes, characters, timelines / Scrivener for actual writing
  • 7:41 Ileana’s publishing journey and the Cozy Mystery Village on Facebook
  • 9:11 Long-hand writing vs. writing on computer; the flexibility of Scrivener
  • 12:17 Her writing planner and a little writing Bible
  • 13:30 Idea to End as a Pantstering Puzzler, using real settings to generate ideas

  • 17:50 Reaching a work’s end, teasing to the next book
  • 22:15 After the first draft
  • 23:25 Avoiding negativity
  • 24:50 Hybrid on cover designs: some contracted, some indie
  • 27:00 Exclusive to Amazon; choosing the indie route over traditionally published.
  • 30:00 Maintaining productivity, re-charging by reading
  • 34:07 Advice to newbies
  • 35:50 Website, upcoming books, Cozy Mystery Village on FB

At the end, host M.A. Lee burbled over a question, which she remembered as soon as the interview ended: Are any books be translated into Spanish? Ileana replied via email, “Not yet,” which means translations will come!


Her website imrenfroe

Amazon Author page

Accolades - Press — imrenfroe

Direct link to the episode on YouTube 

Direct link to the episode on Podbean

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