For debut author Derek Wheeless, writing is a fun journey of discovery.
He’s planted into a niche with his YA noir novel We Planned a Murder, Sam Spade-style, the angsty
detective re-invented as a teenager.
- 1:25 Story structure entering life
- 2:15 Derek’s novel, a YA noir; growing as a writer as the novel grws
- 5:20 Verbosity vs. tight writing: the reason picture books are difficult to write
- 6:50 Using a developmental editor
- 9:18 His current work-in-progress follows the mystery style of Nick and Nora Charles; balancing two protagonists
- 11:50 Outlining; plotter vs. pantster vs. puzzler
- 13:53 Novel construction
- 15:41 Hard part of writing
- 18:30 Finding guidance with a developmental editor; finding the right editor
- 23:27 A writing mistake
- 25:38 Developing reader magnets
- 26:50 Maintaining productivity
- 30:00 Designing a cover and branding a series
- 32:04 Writing books simultaneously
- 34:20 Avoiding contemporary slang and references
- 36:05 Casts of characters, the old Dell map backs, and lists of clues
- 39:50 Writing: the journey of discovery
- 42:25 Closing
The direct link to the book in 3
formats on Amazon is
We Planned a Murder was
reviewed in a recent issue of Publisher’s Weekly. Here’s the link:
Direct link to the video onYouTube
Direct link to the audio onPodbean
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