Summer Writing Challenge / Introduction with Raison d'Etre


All through June and July, The Write Focus turns its lens to the Summer Writing Challenge, 61 days of writing as well as presenting all the other tasks that writers should be doing in their writing business.

In addition to tracking our progress on writing projects, we’ll cover market copy, cover designers, promotional posts, and newsletters as well as audio projects. These are just a sample of the myriad additional tasks performed by every writer, indie or traditionally published.

Podcast posts covering the previous week’s work will be recorded on Tuesday evenings for publishing on Wednesday mornings.

Join us as we detail the accomplishments and failures for every writer’s Summer Challenge.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:40 Opening
  • 01:35 Raison d’Etre / Introduction
  • 04:15 Project 1
  • 04:55 Project 2
  • 07:05 Project 3
  • 07:55 Prep Work
  • 11:26 Last Words / Closing

Total Run Time :: 12:26

Audio Link 

Thanks for listening to The Write Focus. We focus on productivity, process, craft, and tools. Our podcast is for newbies who want to become writing pros and veterans who are returning to writing after years away.

Our current focus is the Summer Writing Challenge.

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·        You can find workbooks and templates at Buy Me a Coffee. Available is the Enter the Writing Business Workbook and templates from the Discovering Characters series.

·        Available Now: worksheet templates and a video trailer script for Discovering Your Author Brand.

For more links and resources, visit  .

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