Wish I'd Known / A Writing Retrospective


This year and the next are celebratory years for me.

I began publishing in 2015 and podcasting in 2020 (yes, that coronacoaster year). It’s time for a retrospective, totting up the gains, cringing at the worst failures (some of which will never see the light of day), and dwelling on the chief lessons. You know, what I do wish that I’d known before launching into the ocean realm of writing.

The ocean of writing is a great metaphor. Writing has depths that no one will ever reach. Each writer is a tiny ship surging through the billowing waves. We dwell on the surface with only forays into the upper levels.

Where does this Writing Retrospective begin? Before publication, where all writing begins. We’ll also look at where my arrogant brain tried to take me in 2021, and finally a mistake that I keep making and having to re-learn. Geez, I know I’m slow, but still.

So, herewith, a Retrospective of Writing Regrets.


  • 00:00 Welcome
  • 00:40 Introduction
  • 02:02 Regret 1
  • 06:11 Regret 2
  • 10:17 Regret 3
  • 13:05 Final Words
  • 14:11 Closing

Total Run Time :: 15:12

 All Original Content / No AI Used

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·        Available Now: worksheet templates and a video trailer script for Discovering Your Author Brand.

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